The Relationship Between Dog Pee Color and Canine Kidney Function


The color of a dog’s pee (urine) can provide valuable insights into their overall health, particularly when it comes to assessing kidney function. The kidneys play a crucial role in filtering waste products and excess substances from the blood to produce urine.

Any changes in urine color may indicate underlying issues with the kidneys. In this article, we will explore the relationship between dog pee color and canine kidney function.

Normal urine color

Understanding what constitutes normal urine color in dogs is essential before delving into kidney-related issues. Typically, healthy dog pee should be a pale to medium yellow color, similar to straw. This color is the result of a pigment called urochrome, which is a byproduct of the breakdown of hemoglobin.

Abnormal Urine Color and Kidney Function

  1. Dark Yellow to Amber: If a dog’s urine appears dark yellow to amber, it may indicate dehydration. Dehydration can put additional stress on the kidneys as they work to concentrate the urine to conserve water.
  2. Brown or reddish-brown: Dark brown or reddish-brown urine may suggest the presence of blood. Hematuria, or blood in the urine, can be a sign of kidney disease or other underlying health problems. It’s essential to consult a veterinarian promptly.
  3. Cloudy or murky: Cloudy or murky urine may be a result of urinary tract infections (UTIs) or kidney infections. Infection-related kidney issues can impact the organ’s ability to function correctly.
  4. Foamy or Bubbly: Excess foam or bubbles in the urine, known as proteinuria, can be indicative of protein leakage through the kidneys. This may occur in conditions like protein-losing nephropathy, where the kidneys fail to retain essential proteins.
  5. Pale or Diluted: Very pale or diluted urine can indicate overhydration, where the dog is consuming excessive amounts of water. While this may not be directly related to kidney function, it’s essential to monitor water intake to avoid stressing the kidneys.
  6. Orange or Rust-Colored: An orange or rust-colored hue in urine may be a sign of the presence of bilirubin, a compound related to liver function. Kidney problems can sometimes be interconnected with liver issues, and a veterinarian’s evaluation is necessary.
  7. Green or Blue: Unusual colors like green or blue in urine are exceedingly rare in dogs. They may result from ingesting certain substances or medications. In such cases, a veterinarian should be consulted to rule out any adverse effects on kidney function.


The color of a dog’s pee can serve as an essential indicator of their kidney function and overall health. Changes in urine color, such as dark yellow, brown, cloudy, foamy, pale, orange, or green, may suggest underlying issues with the kidneys or other organ systems.

Kidney health is critical for a dog’s overall well-being, as these organs are responsible for maintaining the body’s internal balance and filtering waste products.

If you observe any abnormal changes in your dog’s urine color, it’s advisable to consult a veterinarian promptly to assess kidney function and address any potential health concerns. Regular check-ups and monitoring of your dog’s urine can help ensure their kidneys remain healthy and functioning optimally.


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